Borneo Journal of Resource Science & Technology
Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology (BJRST) is a peer-reviewed journal, which publishes scientific articles in all fields of resource sciences including land and forest resources, aquatic science, biodiversity and ecology, biotechnology and molecular biology, chemistry, microbiology, bioinformatics, plant science and zoology. This broad spectrum journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence especially from this region but not limited to, this region. Acceptance for publication is based on contributions to scientific knowledge, original data, ideas or interpretations and on their conciseness, scientific accuracy and clarity, as judged by two referees appointed by the Editorial Board. The Journal also publishes occasional review papers by invitation.
Call for Papers Vol. 11 no.1, June 2021
Submission Deadline : 30 April 2021
No Publication fee
Open access
ISSN : 2229-9769
eISSN : 0128-2973
Online Submission : http://www.bjrst.unimas.my/
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